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Christmas Is Love - Alabama


【乡村音乐】Christmas Is Love - Alabama

圣诞的魅力在于,它是一个关乎家庭和爱的盛事,而爱是人类共通的情感 ,我们喜爱和享受这个美好的时刻。当我们经历爱、体验爱、心中涌动爱时,心便因为爱而博大、而广阔、而温柔、而激情洋溢、而馨香弥漫。


It's that time of year when the whole world is heart tot heart
You can feel love all around you, you can see it everywhere
Christmas is love, it's in the songs we're singing
Christmas is love, it's families comin' home
Christmas is love, it's on the children's faces
Christmas is love
Christmas is love, a warm and friendly feeling
Chirstmas is love, hear the church bells ring
Christmas is love, it's sharing in the giving
Christmas is love
We all gather 'round, watch the lights dancing on the tree

The spirit of the season, you feel it in the air
Christmas is love, it's in the songs we're singing
Christmas is love, it's families comin' home
Christmas is love, it's on the children's faces
Christmas is love, a warm and friendly feeling
Chirstmas is love, just hear the church bells ring
Christmas is love, it's sharing in the giving
Christmas is love, Christmas is love, Christmas is love

